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- title A Public Domain Company - Pre-Seed Round
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- # A Public Domain Company
- ## Angel Round
- We make The Scroll, a non-toxic, intelligent, trustworthy successor to The Web that works offline.
- The Scroll
- How is it different than the web? Git instead of HTTP. Scroll instead of HTML. `root.scroll` instead of DNS.
- Scroll
- For consumers, The Scroll provides all the benefits of the Web but an order of magnitude better and faster.
- For businesses, The Scroll eliminates unneeded complexity and streamlines their customer service, operations and marketing.
- The Scroll is made possible by breakthroughs in computer science and mathematics that we invented including the PPS stack (Particles, Parsers, and Scroll) and the equations $E=T/A!$, $I=C/S$ and $P = {T^{C^R}}^I$.
- class aqua PPS
- katex
- Via The Scroll, we will make a world where every child, no matter where they are born, will get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information.
- Imagine a pristine copy of civilization's knowledge in your pocket. That is the world we are building. And it will be sooner than you think (by 2030).
- Our customers buy root names on The Scroll, the same as they buy domain names for the web. We charge $100 for a 10 year root folder registration. We are already selling root names and the first customer folders launch shortly.
- root names
- In addition to root names, we also will create additional significant value add products on top of The Scroll, such as The Scroll for Spaces.
- The Scroll for Spaces
- Viewership to our products is in the thousands a day, and increasing at approximately 10% week over week.
- We are deeply committed to our mission of liberating information, by not only building the world's best information products, but also by lobbying for legal changes to end copyrights and patents worldwide. We value craftsmanship, truth, courage, laughter, intelligence, science and love.
- Our founder is Breck Yunits (Our World in Data, University of Hawai'i Cancer Center, Microsoft, Mozilla, YCombinator, HP, Visa, PayPal, Duke, Boston College HS, Brockton public schools; angel investor in over 70 startups). Breck owns 51%, the early team owns ~5%, and the rest is reserved for essential teammates, advisors, and investors.
- We are raising $50,000 at a $934,000 pre-money ($984,000 post money) valuation.
- inlineMarkupsOn none
- As someone with 20 years of experience in the software and angel investing world, I am confident that this has the potential to be one of the greatest angel investments of all time and I am excited to share this opportunity with you.
- Great things happen to people that back me.
- Thank you for believing in me, and together let's build a new world.
- -Breck
- You can invest via WeFunder or AngelList or just send a wire or NEAR (publicdomaincompany.near) and I'll send you your docs.
- WeFunder
- class red WeFunder
- AngelList
- class red AngelList
- link wire.pdf send a wire
- center
- ****
- # Q & A
- Email any questions to or text to 1-415-937-1984
- ? Have you considered putting together a traditional deck?
- Yes. And we will, probably by the $500K round.
- ? What's the revenue model?
- Currently the main source of revenue is selling Scroll names, which are similar to domain names, which we currently charge $100 for a 10 year registration. Currently margins are >90%, but we expect ~50% margins once we expand our sales and customer support efforts.
- We have other revenue experiments and are creating so much value for people that we have many additional revenue paths to test.
- ? What is GTM?
- We already have a few hits (like PLDB) on the World Wide Scroll that get thousands of visitors a week, are very popular with influencers, and are growing at a healthy week over week rate.
- In addition, we are putting an enormous effort into one on one sales to bring great builders to The Scroll.
- We expect many breakout hits that will continue to draw not only new readers of The Scroll but new builders. The network effects are substantial.
- ? What are the storage requirements?
- In 5 years our biggest power users may follow ~1,000 folders at 100MB each using 100GB on their disk, which currently fits on a $6 SD card.
- ? Why is this better than the current web?
- - Works offline. No matter where you are, what happens in geopolitics or with AGI, you have your own copy of humanity's best information.
- - 10x faster. Files served from disk, not from online.
- - More intelligent. A new language from the ground up that replaces HTML with semantics built in.
- - 10x easier to build. 10x fewer works to right than other web languages.
- - Non-toxic. No ads, no copyright. Remix anything.
- - More secure. Novel design patterns allow for >10x improvement in security while eliminating user experience hindrances.
- ? Why does the web need to work offline?
- Same reasons why Solar Power and Starlink are going through the roof: off-grid, decentralization is better.
- A web that works offline is:
- - Resilient. No matter what happens in the world (hurricanes, storms, wars, etc) you have the information you need.
- - 10x faster for day to day uses (reading whole sites from disk instead of one page at a time over Internet)
- - Censorship resistant
- - More intelligent (this data is so clean and smart AIs can train off it locally on your own machine)
- ? It isn't totally clear to me how it works (but I'm not technical)?
- To transfer data the web relies on HTTP (the "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol" created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989). The Scroll uses git ("global information tracker" created by Linus Torvalds in 2005). Entire sites with their change history are downloaded using git under the hood.
- To display content the web relies on HTML (TBL, 1991), CSS (Hakon Lie, 1996), and Javascript (Brendan Eich, 1995). The Scroll compiles and supports all of those as well, but also uses a new language stack called PPS (Particles, Parsers, and Scroll), that we created. Our language is far more intelligent (~10x more coverage per bits), semantically typed, and yet is even easier to use than those older langs.
- ? Why the dramatic language in the memo? (eg "Via The Scroll, we will make a world where every child, no matter where they are born, will get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information.").
- I grew up in Brockton, a poor, but wonderful, city in Massachusetts. The people of Brockton are some of the most honest, hard working, wonderful people in the world, but for some reason have unequal opportunities compared to surrounding towns. I took it upon myself to figure out the root cause and it eventually became clear to me that it was copyrights and patents, which suck funds and time from people in places like Brockton and divert to non-innovating lawyers and capital holders in places like Atherton and Madrona. There's nothing wrong with capitalism or making money, but copyrights and patents are the opposite of capitalism: they are anti-property rights, and are a dishonest way to earn a living.
- I've strived to become the greatest programmer in the world to not just build The Scroll, but to make an emphatic point that you don't need copyrights and patents to invent, and in fact using those things poisons your inventions and slows you down.
- I envision a world where every human has equal opportunity, and there are not information laws that go against the grain of nature that harm everyone to benefit the few.
- Money is fun, and I love a good stay at a luxury hotel, but what gets me out of bed in the morning is my love for the people around me growing up, and now that I'm a father my wish that all children get access to the same opportunities that my own daughters have.
- ? The round size stood out as very small ($50k). For a project like this, I'd imagine you'd need more than $50k, so why not try to raise $200-300k or more to get the company off the ground (at a higher valuation)?
- inlineMarkupsOn none
- I've put ~$1M of my own money into this, and will put much more.
- As soon as this round closes, I intent to raise $500K at a $9.34M valuation. Then I would not be suprised to do a $5M round a few months after that, and a $50M IPO in the following year. My goal is to ensure we have the capital we need to accomplish our mission and to do it with the help of as many capital partners (no matter whether they are in for $100 or $1M) as possible.
- inlineMarkupsOn none
- This round is about finding and rewarding intelligent and courageous angel investors who understand they are buying a vision in my mind that we are bringing into the world, not something that already exists.
- I want every round of capital I raise to be a complete no-brainer to the best investors.
- ***
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- # Traction
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- ### BuilderNews
- Customer Testimonials (all from past 3 days)
- - Thank you very much for your review. I didn't know about It's a great place!
- - Thank you for your support!
- - Thanks for the kind words...Thanks for the video!
- - Hi Breck! Thank you so much for the review, very helpful!
- - Smart plug! And cool idea, going to watch some over coffee tomorrow :). Morning live stream of trying products would be awesome
- - Thank you! I really appreciate the video of you going through it.
- - Oh wow, was not expecting this level of feedback -- thank you for the video!
- - Thank you for the feedback!
- - Thanks for your sign up, it made me very happy! And thank you for taking the time to make a video :D
- ### PLDB
- pldb.png
- ### Scroll
- scroll.png
- ### ScrollHub
- scrollhub.png
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